23 December 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 32

saddharamaraajajayaghoshanaghoshakah san
khe dundubhirdhvajati te yashasah pravaadii [32]

saddharamarAjajayaghoSaNaghoSakaH san
khe dundubhirdhvajati te yazasaH pravAdI [32]

It fills the directions with its deep and sonorous sound.
Adept at conveying your august presence to the three worlds,
It proclaims the triumph of the king of the true faith.
So the drum celebrates your glory.

21 December 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 31

chatratrayam tava vibhaati shashaankakaanta-
muccaihsthitam sthagitabhaanukaraprataapam
prakhyaapattrijagatah parameshvaratvam [31]

chatratrayaM tava vibhAti zazAJkakAnta-
muccaiHsthitaM sthagitabhAnukarapratApam
prakhyApattrijagataH paramezvaratvam [31]

The triple canopy above you is luminous like moonbeams,
Placed high above, it obstructs the rays of the sun.
Glowing more than a scattered heap of pearls,
It signifies your lordship of the three worlds.

18 December 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 30


vibhraajate tava vapuh kaladhautakaantam
muccaistatam suragireriva shaatakaumbham [30]


vibhrAjate tava vapuH kaladhautakAntam
muccaistaTaM suragireriva zAtakaumbham [30]

Luminous like jasmines, the swaying pair of whisks
Add to the splendour of your golden form,
Which is like the shores of the gold hued Mount Sumeru
Kissed by water as pure as the risen moon.

17 December 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 29

simhaasane manimayuukhashikhaavicitre

vibhraajate tava vapuh kanakaavadaatam
bimbam viyadvilasadamshulataavitaanam
tungodayaadrishirasiiva sahasrarashmeh [29]

siMhAsane maNimayUkhazikhAvicitre
vibhrAjate tava vapuH kanakAvadAtam
bimbaM viyadvilasadaMzulatAvitAnaM
tuGgodayAdrizirasIva sahasrarazmeH [29]


Seated on a sparkling gem-studded throne,

The dazzling gold of your body is resplendent,

Like the thousand-rayed sun,
At the top of Mount Udayacala.

16 December 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 28

uccairashoka tarusamshritamunmayuukha-
maabhaati ruupamamalam bhavato nitaantam
bimbam raveriva payodharapaarshvavartti [28]

uccairazoka tarusaMzritamunmayUkha-
mAbhAti rUpamamalaM bhavato nitAntam
bimbaM raveriva payodharapArzvavartti [28]

Seated beneath a tall Ashoka tree,
Your form is completely flawless.
Your radiance emanates upwards
Like the darkness destroying sun
Which resides close to the dark clouds.

Jain Pachkaan



]ggae saUro namau@karsaihyaM pcca@Kaima ca]ivvahM ip AaharMAsaNaM paNaM Ka[maM saa[maM Anna%qaNaaBaaogaoNaM sahsaagaaroNaM vaaoisaraima .


]ggae saUro paoirisaM pcca@Kaima ca]ivvahM ip AaharMAsaNaM paNaM Ka[maM saa[maM Anna%qaNaaBaaogaoNaM sahsaagaaroNaM ¸ pcCnnakalaoNaM ¸ idsaamaaohoNaM ¸ saahuvayaNaoNaM ¸ savvasamaaih–vai<ayaagaaroNaM vaaoisaraima .

DoZ, paorsaI

]ggae saUro saaD\ZpaoirisaM pcca@Kaima ca]ivvahM ip AaharMAsaNaM paNaM Ka[maM saa[maM Anna%qaNaaBaaogaoNaM sahsaagaaroNaM ¸ pcCnnakalaoNaM ¸ idsaamaaohoNaM ¸ saahuvayaNaoNaM ¸ savvasamaaih–vai<ayaagaaroNaM vaaoisaraima .

dao paorsaI

]ggae saUro puirmaD\ZM pcca@Kaima ca]ivvahM ip AaharMAsaNaM paNaM Ka[maM saa[maM Anna%qaNaaBaaogaoNaM sahsaagaaroNaM ¸ pcCnnakalaoNaM ¸ idsaamaaohoNaM ¸ saahuvayaNaoNaM ¸ savvasamaaih–vai<ayaagaaroNaM vaaoisaraima .


]ggae saUro AayaMibala pcca@Kaima itivahM– ca]ivvahM ip AaharMAsaNaM paNaM Ka[maM saa[maM Anna%qaNaaBaaogaoNaM sahsaagaaroNaM ¸ laovaalaovaoNaM ¸ igah%qa–saMsa+oNaM ¸ ]i@K<a–ivavaogaoNaM pir+avaiNayaagaaroNaM ¸ mah<aragaaroNaM ¸ savvasamaaih–vai<ayaagaaroNaM vaaoisaraima .


]ggae saUro ABa<a+M pcca@Kaima ca]ivvahM ip AaharMAsaNaM paNaM Ka[maM saa[maM Anna%qaNaaBaaogaoNaM sahsaagaaroNaM ¸ pir+avaiNyaagaaroNaM ¸ mah<aragaaroNaM ¸ savvasamaaih–vai<ayaagaaroNaM vaaoisaraima .

saaonao sao pohlao

Aahar ¸ SarIr ¸ ]paiQa pcCKUM pap Azar .

marna pa}M tao vaaoisaro ¸ jaI}M tao Aagaar ..

rajaoSa jao saalaocaa


15 December 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 27


ko vismayo'tra yadi naam gunairasheshai-

stvam samshrito niravakaashatayaa muniisha

svapnaantare'pi na kadaacidapiikshito'si [27]


ko vismayo'tra yadi naam gunairasheshai-

stvam samshrito niravakaashatayaa muniisha
svapnaantare'pi na kadaacidapiikshito'si [27]


O lord of the sages, you are abode to all the merits in the world.

It comes as no surprise that,

Demerits, which are proud of being associated with others,

Have never ever seen you, not even in their dreams.

13 December 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 26

tubhyam namastribhuvanaartiharaaya naatha
tubhyam namah kshititalaamalabhuushanaaya
tubhyam namastrijagatah parameshvaraaya
tubhyam namo jina bhavodadhishoshanaaya [26]


tubhyaM namastribhuvanArtiharAya nAtha
tubhyaM namaH kSititalAmalabhUSaNAya
tubhyaM namastrijagataH paramezvarAya
tubhyaM namo jina bhavodadhizoSaNAya [26]


O lord, we worship you for you have destroyed suffering of the three worlds.
We worship you for you are the shining ornament of the earth.
We worship you for you are the supreme lord of the three worlds.
We worship you o Jina, for you have crossed the ocean of transmigration.

11 December 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 25

buddhastvameva vibudhaarcitabuddhibodhaa-
ttvam shankaro'si bhuvanatrayashankaratvaat
dhaataasi dhiira shivamaargavidhervidhaanaat
vyaktam tvameva bhagavan purushottamo'si [25]


buddhastvameva vibudhArcitabuddhibodhA-
ttvaM zaGkaro'si bhuvanatrayazaGkaratvAt
dhAtAsi dhIra zivamArgavidhervidhAnAt
vyaktaM tvameva bhagavan puruSottamo'si [25]


You are supremely enlightened and that is why the demigods worship you.
You are the source of solace and comfort to all three worlds.
You are the ultimate teacher who has explained the path of liberation.
O lord, it is evident that you are the greatest.

09 December 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 24

tvaamavyayam vibhumacintyamasamkhyamaadyam
yogiishvaram viditayogamanekamekam
jnaanasvaruupamamalam pravadanti santah [24]

tvAmavyayaM vibhumacintyamasaMkhyamAdyaM
yogIzvaraM viditayogamanekamekam
jJAnasvarUpamamalaM pravadanti santaH [24]

You are indestructible, omnipresent, inconceivable,
innumerable, the first one.
O divine and eternal lord, you are the brightness
that destroys passions.
You are master of the ascetics, knower of meditation,
many and one.
You embody knowledge and are faultless, say the sages.

07 December 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 23

tvaamaamananti munayah paramam pumaamsam
aadityavarnamamalam tamasah purastaat
tvaameva samyagupalabhya jayanti mrtyum
naanyah shivah shivapadasya muniindra panthaah [23]

tvAmAmanati munayaH paramaM pumAMsam
AdityavarNamalaM tamasaH purastAt
tvAmeva samyagupalabhya jayanti mRtyuM
nAnyaH zivaH zivapadasya munIndra panthAH [23]

O lord of the sages,
Sages consider you to be the supreme soul,
Pure, destroyer of darkness like the sun.
Upon truly attaining you, they conquer death.
Hence, there is no other auspicious path to liberation.

05 December 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 22

striinaam shataani shatasho janayanti putraan
naaanyaa sutam tvadupamam jananii prasuutaa
sarvaa disho dadhati bhaani sahasrarashmim
praacyeva digjanayati sphuradamshujaalam [22]

strINAM zatAni zatazo janayanti putrAn
nAnyA sutaM tvadupamaM jananI prasUtA
sarvA dizo dadhati bhAni sahasrarazmiM
prAcyeva digjanayati sphuradaMzujAlaM [22]

Hundreds upon hundreds of women give birth to sons,
But no one else has given birth to a son like you.
All directions bear stars and constellations,
But only the North-East direction gives birth
to the thousand-rayed Sun emanating a dazzling array of sunbeams.

03 December 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 21

manye varam hariharaadaya eva drshtaa
drshteshu yeshu hrdayam tvayi toshameti
kim viikshitena bhavataa bhuvi yena naanyah
kashcinmano harati naatha bhavaantarepi [21]

manye varaM harihrAdaya eva dRSTA
dRSTeSu yeSu hRdayaM tvayi toSameti
kiM vIkSitena bhavatA bhuvi yena nAnyaH
kazcinmano harati nAtha bhavAntarepi [21]

I like seeing other gods because,
On seeing them,
I feel content in worshiping you.
But on seeing you?
No other god can then win my heart.
Not even in other births.

01 December 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 20

jnaanam yathaa vibhaati krtaavakaasham
naivam tathaa hariharaadishu naayakeshu
tejah sphuranmaniishu yaati yathaa mahattvam
naivam tu kaacashakale kiranaakule'pi [20]
jJAnaM yathA vibhAti kRtAvakAzaM
naivaM tathA hariharAdiSu nAyakeSu
tejaH sphuranmaNISu yAti yathA mahattvaM
naivaM tu kAcazakale kiraNAkule'pi [20]
Your knowledge has shed light on the endless modes of a substance,
Such knowledge is not found in others.
The majesty of light reflected by a ruby,
Cannot by matched by the reflection of a piece of glass!

28 November 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 19

kim sharvariishu shashinaahni vivasvataa vaa
yushmanmukhendudaliteshu tamahsu naatha
nishpannashaalivanashaalini jiivaloke
kaaryam kiyajjaladharairjalabhaaranamraih [19]

kiM zarvarISu zazinAhni vivasvatA vA
yuSmanmukhendudaliteSu tamaHsu nAtha
niSpannazAlivanazAlini jIvaloke
kAryam kiyajjaladharairjalabhAranamraiH [19]

What use is the moon at night or the sun in the day?
For darkness has been dispelled by your moon-like face, o lord.
What use are rain clouds heavy with water?
When the rice crop has ripened already in the fields.

25 November 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 18

 nityodayam dalitamohamahaandhakaaram
gamyam na raahuvadanasya na vaaridaanaam
vibhraajate tava mukhaabjamanalpakaanti
vidyotayajjagadapuurvashashaankabimbam [18]
nityodayaM dalitamohamahAndhakAraM
gamyaM na rAhuvadanasya na vAridAnAM
vibhrAjate tava mukhAbjamanalpakAnti
vidyotayajjagadapUrvazazAGkabimbaM [18]


You are always visible,
You have vanquished the darkness of delusion,
Rahu cannot eclipse you, Nor can the clouds impede you.
You illuminate the world. The splendiferous radiance of your lotus-like face
Shines forth like the orb of the moon.

24 November 2009

Mangal Sutra

चत्तारि मंगलं
अरिहंता मंगलं
सिद्धा मंगलं
साहू मंगलं
केवलीपण्णत्तो धम्मो मंगलं

cattaari mangalam:

arihantaa mangalam
siddhaa mangalam
saahu mangalam
kevaliipannatto dhammo mangalam

There are four entities that are auspicious:
Embodied omniscient teachers {Arihantas} are auspicious
The liberated ones {Siddhas} are auspicious

Ascetics who control their senses are auspicious
The religion propounded by the omniscient ones is auspicious.

चत्तारि लोगुत्तमा
अरिहंता लोगुत्तमा
सिद्धा लोगुत्तमा
साहू लोगुत्तमा
केवलीपण्णत्तो धम्मो लोगुत्तमो

cattaari loguttamaa:
arihantaa loguttamaa
siddhaa loguttamaa
saahu loguttamaa

kevaliipannatto dhammo loguttamo

There are four entities which are excellent in the world:
  Embodied omniscient teachers {Arihantas} are excellent in the world.
  The liberated ones {Siddhas} are excellent in the world.

Ascetics who control their senses are excellent in the world.
The religion propounded by the omniscient ones is excellent in the world.

चत्तारि सरणं पव्वज्जामि
अरिहंते सरणं पव्वज्जामि
सिद्धे सरणं पव्वज्जामि
साहू सरणं पव्वज्जामि
केवलीपण्णत्तं धम्मं सरणं पव्वज्जामि

cattaari saranam pavvajjaami:

arihante saranam pavvajjaami
siddhe saranam pavvajjaami
saahu saranam pavvajjaami
kevaliipannattam dhammam saranam pavvajjaami

I take shelter in four entities:
I take shelter in embodied omniscient teachers {Arihantas}.

I take shelter in the liberated ones {Siddhas}. 
I take shelter in ascetics who control their senses. 
I take shelter in the religion propounded by the omniscient ones.

23 November 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 17

 naastam kadaacidupayaasi na raahugamyah
spashtiikaroshi sahasaa yugapajjanganti
suuryaatishaayimahimaasimuniindraloke [17]

nAstaM kadAcidupayAsi na rAhugamyaH
spaSTIikaroSi sahasA yugapajjanganti
sUryAtizAyimahimAsimunIndraloke [17]

Best among seers, you are superior to the sun
For you do not set like the sun,Rahu cannot eclipse you,
Clouds cannot suppress your mightAnd you effortlessly illumine,
All three worlds at the same time.

21 November 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 16

krtsnam jagattrayamidam prakatiikaroshi
gamyo na jaatu marutaam calitaacalaanaam
diipo'parastvamasi naatha jagatprakaashah [16]

kRtsnaM jagattrayamidaM prakatIkaroSi
gamyo na jAtu marutAM calitAcalAnAM
dIpo'parastvamasi nAtha jagatprakAzaH [16]

O lord, you are a lamp without smoke, wick and oil,
Impervious to tempests that can move mountains.
You have no superior
For you illuminate the three worlds.

19 November 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 15

citram kimatra yadi te tridashaanganaabhir-
niitam manaagapi mano na vikaaramaargam
kalpaantakaalamarutaa calitaacalena
kim mandaraadrishikharam calitam kadaacit [15]

citraM kimatra yadi te tridazAMganAbhir-
nItaM manAgapi mano na vikAramArgaM
kalpAntakAlamarutA calitAcalena
kiM mandarAdrizikharaM calitam kadAcit [15]

It comes as no surprise that,
the most beautiful women
could not distract you.
Can even the tempests that move mountains,
Disturb Mount Meru?

17 November 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 14

-shubhraa gunaastribhuvanam tava lamghayanti
ye sanshritaastrijagadiishvara naathamekam
kastaannivaarayati samcarato yatheshtam [14]

-zubhrA guNAstribhuvanaM tava lamghayanti
ye sanzritAstrijagadIzvara nAthamekaM
kastAnnivArayati samcarato yatheSTaM [14]


O lord of the three worlds,
Your fame, more luminous than moonbeams,
Pervades the three worlds.
And because it belongs to you, the one supreme being,
Who can keep it back?

15 November 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 13

vaktram kva te suranaroraganetrahaari
bimbam kalankamalinam kva nishaakarasya
yadvaasare bhavati paandupalaashakalpam [13]

vaktraM kva te suranaroraganetrahAri
bimbaM kalaGkamalinaM kva nizAkarasya
yadvAsare bhavati pANDupalAzakalpaM [13]

O stealer of the gaze of demigods, men and serpents,
How can one compare your face,
Which has exhausted all the similes of the three worlds,
With the spotted orb of the moon, Which resembles
The pale, jaundiced-looking leaf of the Pandu tree in the day?

13 November 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 12

yaiha shaantaraagarucibhiha paramaanubhistvam
taavanta eva khalu te'pyanavah prthivyaam
yatte samaanamaparam na hi ruupamasti [12]

yaiHa zAntarAgarucibhiHa paramANubhistvaM
tAvanta eva khalu te'pyaNavaH pRthivyAM
yatte samAnamaparaM na hi rUpamasti [12]

O true eminence of the three worlds,
The atoms that you are made of, take pleasure in peace.
Certainly, you are abode to all those atoms.
None remain outside of you.
Hence, no one on earth has your attributes.

11 November 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 11

drshtvaa bhavantamanimeshavilokaniiyam
naanyatra toshamupayaati janasya cakshuh
piitvaa payah shashikaradyutidugdhasimdhoh
kshaaram jalam jalanidherasitum ka icchet [11]

dRSTvA bhavantamanimeSavilokanIyaM
nAnyatra toSamupayAti janasya cakSuH
pItvA payaH zazikaradyutidugdhasiMdhoH
kSAraM jalaM jalanidherasituM ka icchet [11]

Only you are worthy of being constantly gazed at!
After seeing you, people's eyes cannot be satisfied looking elsewhere.
Upon drinking water as lustrous as moonbeams, as pure as a river of milk,
Who would want to drink the salty water of the sea?

09 November 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 10

naatyadbhutam bhuvanabhuushana bhuutanaatha
bhuutairgunairbhuvi bhavantambhiishtuvantah
tulyaa bhavanti bhavato nanu tena kim vaa
bhuutyaashritam ya iha naatnasamam karoti [10]

nAtyadbhutaM bhuvanabhUSaNa bhUtanAtha
bhUtairguNairbhuvi bhavantambhISTuvantah
tulyA bhavanti bhavato nanu tena kiM vA
bhUtyAzritam ya iha nAtnasamaM karoti [10]

O lord, true jewel of the world,
You are the abode of truth and good qualities.
It is no wonder that those who extol your virtues,
become like you.What use is a master,
Who does not help his servants become like himself?

07 November 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 9

aastaam tava stavanamastasamastadosham
tvatsankathaapi jagataam duritaani hanti
duure sahasrakiranah kurute prabhaiva
padmaakareshu jalajaani vikaasabhaanji [9]

AstAM tava stavanamastasamastadoSaM

tvatsaMkathApi jagatAM duritAni hanti
dUre sahasrakiraNaH kurute prabhaiva
padmAkareSu jalajAni vikAsabhAnji [9]

Your praise causes all faults to perish.
The mere utterance of your name,
Destroys the wickedness of the world.
Just as the sun may be distant,
But its radiance is enough to cause
Lotuses in the lotus pools to blossom.

05 November 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 8

matveti naatha tava samstavanam mayedam
aarabhyate tanudhiyaapi tava prabhaavaat
ceto harishyati sataam naliniidaleshu
muktaaphaladyutimupaiti nanuudabinduh [8]

matveti nAtha tava saMstavanaM mayedaM
Arabhyate tanudhiyApi tava prabhAvAt
ceto hariSyati satAM nalinIdaleSu
muktAphaladyutimupaiti nanUdabinduH [8]

O lord, in this manner, believing that your praise destroys all sins,
I have begun this eulogy despite my limited intelligence.
It shall captivate the hearts of the good and the wise, Because of your majesty.
Just as a drop of water on the leaves of a lotus Does indeed attain the splendour of a pearl.

30 October 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 7

tvatsamstavena bhavasantatisannibaddham
paapam kshanaatkshayamupaiti shariirabhaajaam
suuryaamshubhinnamiva shaarvaramandhakaaram [7]

tvatsaMstavena bhavasantatisannibaddhaM
pApaM kSaNAtkSayamupaiti zarIrabhAjAM
sUryAMzubhinnamiva zArvaramandhakAraM [7]

On worshiping you, embodied beings are unfettered from the chain of rebirth,
And sins are destroyed in an instant.
Just as the sun's rays rapidly dispel, The complete darkness, black as a bee, 

which overruns the world at night.

29 October 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 6


alpashrutam shrutavataam parihaasadhaamam
tvadbhaktireva mukhariikurute balaanmaam
yatkokilah kil madhau madhuram virauti
taccaarucuutakalikaanikaraikahetuh [6]

alpazrutaM zrutavatAM parihAsadhAmaM
tvadbhaktireva mukharIkurute balAnmAM
yatkokilaH kil madhau madhuraM virauti
taccArucUtakalikAnikaraikahetuH [6]

Having little knowledge, I am the butt of ridicule of the learned.
It is only devotion towards you that compels me to be loquacious.
Verily, the cuckoo sings sweetly in spring,
Because of the pleasing multitudes of buds on the mango tree. 

28 October 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 5

so'ham tathaapi tava bhaktivashaanmuniisha
karttum stavam vigatashaktirapi pravrttah
priityaatmaviiryamvicaarya mrgo mrgendram
naa'bhyeti kim nijashishohparipaalanaartham [5]

so'ham tathApi tava bhaktivazAnmunIza
karttuM stavaM vigatazaktirapi pravRttaH
prItyAtmavIryamvicArya mRgo mRgendraM
nA'bhyeti kiM nijazizoHparipAlanArthaM [5]

O lord of the sages!
Despite lacking the ability of composing this eulogy,
I attempt to do so out of devotion to you.
Out of love, without considering its own strength,
Doesn't the deer take on the lion, To protect its young one?

27 October 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 4

vaktum gunaan gunasamudra shashaankakaataan
kaste kshamah suragurupratimo'pi buddhyaa
ko va tariitumalamambunidhim bhujaabhyaam [4]

vaktuM guNAn guNasamudra zazANkakAntAn
kaste kSamaH suragurupratimo'pi buddhyA
ko vA tarItumalamambunidhiM bhujAbhyAM [4]

O ocean of qualities that glow like the moonlight,
Who has the capacity of the preceptor of the demigods,
To recite your qualities? In the storm of the destruction of the whole world,
When agitated crocodiles infest the waters, Who can swim across such an ocean?

25 October 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 3

buddhyA vinApi vibudhArcitapAdapITha
stotuM samudyatamatirvigatatrapo'haM

bAlaM vihAya jalasaMsthitamindubimbaM
anyaH ka icchati janaH sahasA grahItuM  [3]

Despite lacking intelligence,
I am shamelessly eager to compose a eulogy to you,
Whose very footstool is honoured by the learned.
Other than a child, who else would wish to pounce
Upon the Moon reflected in water?


Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 2

yaH saMstutaH sakalavAMgmayatattvabodhAt
udbhUtabuddhipaTubhiH suralokanAthaiH
stoSye kilAhamapi taM prathamaM jinendraM  [2]

Mastering the essence of the entire scripture,
The resulting intelligence was used skilfully by the Indras,
For creating extended verses of praise for him who has captured the hearts of the three worlds,
It is astonishing that I too begin a eulogy of that first Jina (Bhagavan Adinatha).

24 October 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 1

uddyotakaM dalitapApatamovitAnaM
samyakpraNamyajinapAdayugaM yugAdau
AlambanaM bhavajale patatAM janAnAM  [1]

Reflector of the gems in the crowns of the demi-gods who worship you,
Destroyer of the dark clusters of sins,
Saviour of those who were stuck in the cycle of transmigration from the beginning of time,
I worship such a Jina's feet with true devotion.

23 October 2009

Selections from Vira Bhakti

ye viira-paadau pranamanti nityam
dhyaana-sthitaah samyama yoga yuktah
te viita-shoka hi bhavanti lokai
samsaara-durga vishamam taranti

Those who worship the feet of Vira {Mahavira} continually,
Remaining in meditation and undertaking restraint,
Attain freedom from sorrow in this world
And transcend the citadel of transmigration.

22 October 2009

Excerpt from Kalpasutra - 2

taye nam samane bhagavam mahaaviire arahaa jaaye jine kevalii savvannuu savvadarisii sadevamanuyaasurassa logassa pariyaayam jaanai paasai, savvaloe savvajiivaanam aagaim gatim thiim cavanam uvavaayam takkam mano maanasiyam bhuttam kadam padiseviyam aavikammam rahokammam arahaa arihassa bhaagii, tam tam kaalam manavayanakaayajoge vattamaanaanam savvaloye savvajiivaanam savvabhaave jaanamaane paasamaane viharati [121]

Thus, the ascetic Bhagavan Mahavira became an Arihanta, Jina and Kevali, knowing and seeing all. He could perceive all the demigods, humans, and demons of the world in all their manifestations. He knew the arrival, form of life, duration of life, birth, misfortunes, reasoning, thought processes, food habits and actions, whether open or secret, of all the living beings in all the worlds.

To an Arihanta, there are no secrets. As he wanders, he knows and perceives all the acts of mind, speech and body taking place at that time, and the dispositions of all the living beings in all the worlds.

21 October 2009

Excerpt from Kalpasutra - 1

vijayenam muhuttenam jambhiyagaamassa nagarassa bahiyaa ujuvaaliyaae naiie tiire veyaavattassa ceiiyassa aduurasaamante saamaagassa katthakaranasmi saalapaayavassa ahe godohiyaae ukkuduyanisijjaaye aayaavanaaye aayaavemaanassa chatthenam bhattenam apaanayenam hatthuttaraahim nakkattenam jogamuvaagaenam jhaanamtariyaae vattamaanassa anamte anuttare nivvaaghaaye niraavarane kasine padipunne kevalavaranaanadamsane samupanne [120]

 During the Vijaya muhurta {a certain time of the day}, outside the city of Jrmbhika on the banks of the river Rjuvalika, in proximity of a temple in disrepair, in the fields of a householder named Shyamaka, beneath a Shala tree {Latin name – vatica robusta}, seated in the godohika posture {seated with heels together, as if milking a cow} of meditation, practising the penance known as atapana {penance under the hot sun}, when he had completed two days of a three day fast known as Chhatta, under the constellation known as Hastottara, the meditating Vardhamana attained the boundless, excellent, agitation-free, obstruction-free, entire and perfect omnitude of knowledge and perception.