28 November 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 19

kim sharvariishu shashinaahni vivasvataa vaa
yushmanmukhendudaliteshu tamahsu naatha
nishpannashaalivanashaalini jiivaloke
kaaryam kiyajjaladharairjalabhaaranamraih [19]

kiM zarvarISu zazinAhni vivasvatA vA
yuSmanmukhendudaliteSu tamaHsu nAtha
niSpannazAlivanazAlini jIvaloke
kAryam kiyajjaladharairjalabhAranamraiH [19]

What use is the moon at night or the sun in the day?
For darkness has been dispelled by your moon-like face, o lord.
What use are rain clouds heavy with water?
When the rice crop has ripened already in the fields.

25 November 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 18

 nityodayam dalitamohamahaandhakaaram
gamyam na raahuvadanasya na vaaridaanaam
vibhraajate tava mukhaabjamanalpakaanti
vidyotayajjagadapuurvashashaankabimbam [18]
nityodayaM dalitamohamahAndhakAraM
gamyaM na rAhuvadanasya na vAridAnAM
vibhrAjate tava mukhAbjamanalpakAnti
vidyotayajjagadapUrvazazAGkabimbaM [18]


You are always visible,
You have vanquished the darkness of delusion,
Rahu cannot eclipse you, Nor can the clouds impede you.
You illuminate the world. The splendiferous radiance of your lotus-like face
Shines forth like the orb of the moon.

24 November 2009

Mangal Sutra

चत्तारि मंगलं
अरिहंता मंगलं
सिद्धा मंगलं
साहू मंगलं
केवलीपण्णत्तो धम्मो मंगलं

cattaari mangalam:

arihantaa mangalam
siddhaa mangalam
saahu mangalam
kevaliipannatto dhammo mangalam

There are four entities that are auspicious:
Embodied omniscient teachers {Arihantas} are auspicious
The liberated ones {Siddhas} are auspicious

Ascetics who control their senses are auspicious
The religion propounded by the omniscient ones is auspicious.

चत्तारि लोगुत्तमा
अरिहंता लोगुत्तमा
सिद्धा लोगुत्तमा
साहू लोगुत्तमा
केवलीपण्णत्तो धम्मो लोगुत्तमो

cattaari loguttamaa:
arihantaa loguttamaa
siddhaa loguttamaa
saahu loguttamaa

kevaliipannatto dhammo loguttamo

There are four entities which are excellent in the world:
  Embodied omniscient teachers {Arihantas} are excellent in the world.
  The liberated ones {Siddhas} are excellent in the world.

Ascetics who control their senses are excellent in the world.
The religion propounded by the omniscient ones is excellent in the world.

चत्तारि सरणं पव्वज्जामि
अरिहंते सरणं पव्वज्जामि
सिद्धे सरणं पव्वज्जामि
साहू सरणं पव्वज्जामि
केवलीपण्णत्तं धम्मं सरणं पव्वज्जामि

cattaari saranam pavvajjaami:

arihante saranam pavvajjaami
siddhe saranam pavvajjaami
saahu saranam pavvajjaami
kevaliipannattam dhammam saranam pavvajjaami

I take shelter in four entities:
I take shelter in embodied omniscient teachers {Arihantas}.

I take shelter in the liberated ones {Siddhas}. 
I take shelter in ascetics who control their senses. 
I take shelter in the religion propounded by the omniscient ones.

23 November 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 17

 naastam kadaacidupayaasi na raahugamyah
spashtiikaroshi sahasaa yugapajjanganti
suuryaatishaayimahimaasimuniindraloke [17]

nAstaM kadAcidupayAsi na rAhugamyaH
spaSTIikaroSi sahasA yugapajjanganti
sUryAtizAyimahimAsimunIndraloke [17]

Best among seers, you are superior to the sun
For you do not set like the sun,Rahu cannot eclipse you,
Clouds cannot suppress your mightAnd you effortlessly illumine,
All three worlds at the same time.

21 November 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 16

krtsnam jagattrayamidam prakatiikaroshi
gamyo na jaatu marutaam calitaacalaanaam
diipo'parastvamasi naatha jagatprakaashah [16]

kRtsnaM jagattrayamidaM prakatIkaroSi
gamyo na jAtu marutAM calitAcalAnAM
dIpo'parastvamasi nAtha jagatprakAzaH [16]

O lord, you are a lamp without smoke, wick and oil,
Impervious to tempests that can move mountains.
You have no superior
For you illuminate the three worlds.

19 November 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 15

citram kimatra yadi te tridashaanganaabhir-
niitam manaagapi mano na vikaaramaargam
kalpaantakaalamarutaa calitaacalena
kim mandaraadrishikharam calitam kadaacit [15]

citraM kimatra yadi te tridazAMganAbhir-
nItaM manAgapi mano na vikAramArgaM
kalpAntakAlamarutA calitAcalena
kiM mandarAdrizikharaM calitam kadAcit [15]

It comes as no surprise that,
the most beautiful women
could not distract you.
Can even the tempests that move mountains,
Disturb Mount Meru?

17 November 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 14

-shubhraa gunaastribhuvanam tava lamghayanti
ye sanshritaastrijagadiishvara naathamekam
kastaannivaarayati samcarato yatheshtam [14]

-zubhrA guNAstribhuvanaM tava lamghayanti
ye sanzritAstrijagadIzvara nAthamekaM
kastAnnivArayati samcarato yatheSTaM [14]


O lord of the three worlds,
Your fame, more luminous than moonbeams,
Pervades the three worlds.
And because it belongs to you, the one supreme being,
Who can keep it back?

15 November 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 13

vaktram kva te suranaroraganetrahaari
bimbam kalankamalinam kva nishaakarasya
yadvaasare bhavati paandupalaashakalpam [13]

vaktraM kva te suranaroraganetrahAri
bimbaM kalaGkamalinaM kva nizAkarasya
yadvAsare bhavati pANDupalAzakalpaM [13]

O stealer of the gaze of demigods, men and serpents,
How can one compare your face,
Which has exhausted all the similes of the three worlds,
With the spotted orb of the moon, Which resembles
The pale, jaundiced-looking leaf of the Pandu tree in the day?

13 November 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 12

yaiha shaantaraagarucibhiha paramaanubhistvam
taavanta eva khalu te'pyanavah prthivyaam
yatte samaanamaparam na hi ruupamasti [12]

yaiHa zAntarAgarucibhiHa paramANubhistvaM
tAvanta eva khalu te'pyaNavaH pRthivyAM
yatte samAnamaparaM na hi rUpamasti [12]

O true eminence of the three worlds,
The atoms that you are made of, take pleasure in peace.
Certainly, you are abode to all those atoms.
None remain outside of you.
Hence, no one on earth has your attributes.

11 November 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 11

drshtvaa bhavantamanimeshavilokaniiyam
naanyatra toshamupayaati janasya cakshuh
piitvaa payah shashikaradyutidugdhasimdhoh
kshaaram jalam jalanidherasitum ka icchet [11]

dRSTvA bhavantamanimeSavilokanIyaM
nAnyatra toSamupayAti janasya cakSuH
pItvA payaH zazikaradyutidugdhasiMdhoH
kSAraM jalaM jalanidherasituM ka icchet [11]

Only you are worthy of being constantly gazed at!
After seeing you, people's eyes cannot be satisfied looking elsewhere.
Upon drinking water as lustrous as moonbeams, as pure as a river of milk,
Who would want to drink the salty water of the sea?

09 November 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 10

naatyadbhutam bhuvanabhuushana bhuutanaatha
bhuutairgunairbhuvi bhavantambhiishtuvantah
tulyaa bhavanti bhavato nanu tena kim vaa
bhuutyaashritam ya iha naatnasamam karoti [10]

nAtyadbhutaM bhuvanabhUSaNa bhUtanAtha
bhUtairguNairbhuvi bhavantambhISTuvantah
tulyA bhavanti bhavato nanu tena kiM vA
bhUtyAzritam ya iha nAtnasamaM karoti [10]

O lord, true jewel of the world,
You are the abode of truth and good qualities.
It is no wonder that those who extol your virtues,
become like you.What use is a master,
Who does not help his servants become like himself?

07 November 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 9

aastaam tava stavanamastasamastadosham
tvatsankathaapi jagataam duritaani hanti
duure sahasrakiranah kurute prabhaiva
padmaakareshu jalajaani vikaasabhaanji [9]

AstAM tava stavanamastasamastadoSaM

tvatsaMkathApi jagatAM duritAni hanti
dUre sahasrakiraNaH kurute prabhaiva
padmAkareSu jalajAni vikAsabhAnji [9]

Your praise causes all faults to perish.
The mere utterance of your name,
Destroys the wickedness of the world.
Just as the sun may be distant,
But its radiance is enough to cause
Lotuses in the lotus pools to blossom.

05 November 2009

Bhaktamar Stotra by Acarya Manatunga # 8

matveti naatha tava samstavanam mayedam
aarabhyate tanudhiyaapi tava prabhaavaat
ceto harishyati sataam naliniidaleshu
muktaaphaladyutimupaiti nanuudabinduh [8]

matveti nAtha tava saMstavanaM mayedaM
Arabhyate tanudhiyApi tava prabhAvAt
ceto hariSyati satAM nalinIdaleSu
muktAphaladyutimupaiti nanUdabinduH [8]

O lord, in this manner, believing that your praise destroys all sins,
I have begun this eulogy despite my limited intelligence.
It shall captivate the hearts of the good and the wise, Because of your majesty.
Just as a drop of water on the leaves of a lotus Does indeed attain the splendour of a pearl.